
Clerical Virtual Assistant

My aim is to be a vessel and a blessing by serving as a consultant and your ‘Virtual Assistant’ assisting churches and small businesses  with electronic communications. Let me help you build your website, create your email clientele and create or connect you with other social media platforms.   

My  team of interactive multimedia, social networking, marketing advisors and professionals are constantly introducing new functionalities to help quickly build websites and set-up all your social communications and more. Visit my partners at to purchase a program and set up your personal account with them. By purchasing their annual plan, I will be glad to walk thru with you and help you get started utilizing your new tools and avenues of communication.

MY Fee?? well, my initial set-up fee is $100. This includes two weeks of assisting and training you or your assigned assistant in the operation of your new program. We will compile data and materials as we create/set up your email clientele, build your website, and connect to your social media platforms. If you do not have an assistant or someone in your business to manage, maintain and update for you, I will be glad to continue serving as your Virtual Assistant at my hourly rate of $15 per hour (minimum of two hours) plus $15 per subsequent hour/s…Or… maybe you just need an announcement or flyer created or sent out—(simple flyers do not require Constant Contact program purchase). 
DQ will help you get the word out Quick!